336-264-8306 laura@weare5050.com

How small is nano small?


Nano Pro MT has a great origin story. They were born out of a challenge to develop a lubricant that would increase the performance and reliability of Apache helicopters deployed in extreme conditions.

Nano Pro MT hired Fifty/Fifty to develop a brand message that would simplify their message and convey how important their technology is to the future of machinery, without delving too deeply into the science of nanotechnology and physics.

We took Nano Pro MT through a brand development process that put a finer point on their target and defined what they care about. This process force ranked messaging to distill down to the most relevant. And most importantly, it captured a succinct definition of WHAT they do, HOW they do it and WHY their target will care.


  • Brand Definition
  • Marketing Roadmap
  • Creative Development
    • Package Design
    • Web Design
    • Collateral Design
    • Tradeshow Materials
Nano Pro MT Wireframe Example

Architecture – Wireframes

Architecture – Wireframes

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